What's on this week?

What's on this week?

Sep 02, 2022

Sunday 4 September

8am - Book of Common Prayer Holy Communion, St Laurence

9.30am - Parish Eucharist, St Laurence

11am - Parish Eucharist, St James'


Monday 5 September

9am-5pm - Winslow Show, Sheep Street - come and visit our stall!

7.30pm - Bell practice, St Laurence Bell Tower

8pm - Julian Group Meeting, online via Zoom


Tues 6 & Thurs 8 September

9am - Zoom Inn prayer with a chat - email for details 


Wed 7 September

12pm - Midweek Communion, St Laurence

And what's coming up soon?

Winslow Show

Thank you to everyone who contributed to the magnificent hampers for the raffle , manned the stall and came and supported St Laurence stall at the very busy Winslow Show.

The raffle raised £549 and the very popular soft toy stall , organised by Brian and Shelia raised £91, all for church funds. Thank you! - Barbara

Book Group

The next book group meeting will be in person at 6.45pm 12 September. Our next book will be Humbler Faith, Bigger God: Finding a Story to Live By written by Sam Wells. Please contact Didier for more details.

Coffee morning

There will be a coffee morning on Saturday 10 September, in Royal British Legion Hall, from 10-12noon, to raise funds for the Church Roof Appeal. Please save the date in your diary.

Save the dates!

10 September: Bingo

19 November: Quiz