Small gestures empower change

Small gestures empower change

May 06, 2022

The Winslow Repair Shop was featured on the Diocese of Oxford website this week. Read the full story here and see a snippet below.

"When deciding what to cover in his final ministry project at the end of his curacy, the Revd Mark Nelson used inspiration from a nearby repair cafe in Aston Clinton to start up a similar project for the whole community in Winslow, Buckinghamshire...

"Having been a Head Gardener with the National Trust before moving into ordained ministry, Mark uses his experience with garden machinery to complete much of the repair work himself, along with the help of local volunteers. Between them, they repair between 15 and 20 items each third Saturday of the month. There is no charge for the repairs enabling access for all households, but many give donations in recognition of the service to the community.
The Revd Mark Nelson shares the aims of the project:

“We hope the project will be lasting and continue to have meaningful impact enabling people to take practical steps to reduce their impact on the environment. There is such needless waste in society so by encouraging people with this small gesture to repair and reuse we hope to empower them to consider the environment more and in turn help reduce the amount of waste going to landfill.

“We want it to be a Winslow project rather than a church project, a place that builds community and offers a place for local people to meet.”