Roof Appeal: Huge thanks & big plea

Roof Appeal: Huge thanks & big plea

Aug 12, 2022

Thank you all for the amazing response we have had to the Roof Appeal.

So far we have raised:

  • Over £8,000 on the JustGiving page
  • Over £1,600 in donations
  • Over £39,000 from grants, through the amazing hard work of Charles Gardner and Sarah Robinson, which is ongoing

That all means that we have now asked the architect to start work and have been in touch with the contractors, so they will be ready to commence as well.

We are in the process of asking for a loan from the diocese to cover the final amount required, and to give us cover in case we find the damage to be further than we think - but we are hopeful that we may not need it all.

We are still encouraging contributions so that we can reduce the size of the loan from the diocese, as we don't have far to go to close the gap!

Thank you so much for your support – we will keep you informed as we progress.


Visit our giving page to see how you can support the Benefice - it really is appreciated.