Holy Week Services

Holy Week Services

Mar 10, 2022

Every Sunday in Lent we have special Compline services at 8pm. These are in St Laurence, Winslow, for 13 & 20 March, St James', Gt Horwood, for 27 March, and St Mary's, Addington, for 3 April.

There are also Lent Lunches available Wednesdays from 12-1.30pm in the St Laurence Room.

Holy Monday 11 April

8 pm Stations of the Cross at St James’, Great Horwood


Holy Tuesday 12th April

8pm BCP Evening Prayer at St Laurence, Winslow

Holy Wednesday 13th April

12pm Midday Eucharist at St Laurence, Winslow

8pm Compline at St Mary’s, Addington


Maundy Thursday 14th April

8pm Holy Communion with foot washing and stripping of the altars at St James’, Great Horwood

8pm Holy Communion with foot washing and stripping of the altars at St Laurence, Winslow


Good Friday 15th April

Walk of Witness in the morning in Winslow

12pm-2pm St Laurence Church open for reflection and readings every quarter of an hour

2pm-3pm Last Hour of the Cross service with Holy Communion at St Laurence, Winslow


Easter Sunday 17th April

5.30am Easter Vigil with breakfast afterwards at St. Laurence, Winslow

8am BCP Holy Communion at St. Laurence, Winslow

9.30am Parish Eucharist at St. Laurence, Winslow

11am Parish Eucharist at St James’, Great Horwood