Pew Sheet, Sunday, July the 28th 2024. Ninth Sunday after Trinity / Proper 12

Many of the events we have been reading about in our Gospel passages for several weeks now took place either in, on, or around the Sea of Galilee

Jul 28, 2024

Sunday, August the 4th, 2024. The 10th Sunday after Trinity

How many times are we inclined to complain during the course of a single day?

Aug 04, 2024

Pew Sheet, Sunday, July the 14th 2024. Seventh Sunday after Trinity / Proper 10

It is a great privilege to have Archdeacon Guy Elsmore preaching and presiding at our 09.30 service in Winslow today.

Jul 14, 2024

Pew Sheet, Sunday, July the 7th 2024. Sixth Sunday after Trinity / Proper 9

Now that the polls have closed and the British people have made their minds up

Jul 07, 2024

Pew Sheet, Sunday, June the 30th 2024. Fifth Sunday after Trinity / Proper 8

There is something wonderfully refreshing about our Gospel reading this week

Jun 30, 2024

Pew Sheet, Sunday, June the 23rd 2024. Fourth Sunday after Trinity / Proper 7

One of my all-time favourite hymns is that written by a former resident of Baltimore, Priscilla Jane Owens

Jun 23, 2024

Pew Sheet 16th June 2024

Someone asked me last week how we can possibly know about the events recorded in the Gospels which tell us what happened when only Jesus was present, or when his disciples though present...

Jun 16, 2024

Pew Sheet, Sunday, June the 9th 2024.

People often ask me why the Church of England does not venerate the Virgin Mary to the same extent as other churches do, and I have even been asked if Anglicans really ‘believe’ in her

Jun 09, 2024

Pew Sheet 2nd June 2024

In our reading from Deuteronomy, we see the origins of the ‘Sabbath’ which was instituted so that the people, their servants, their livestock...

Jun 02, 2024

Pew Sheet, April 21st 2024. The 4th Sunday of Easter

The 23rd Psalm is probably the most popular and most-used Psalm in the Christian Psalter today.

Apr 21, 2024

Pew Sheet for Sunday the 14th of April 2024.  The Third Sunday of Easter

Pew Sheet for Sunday the 14th of April. The Third Sunday of Easter

Apr 14, 2024

Pew Sheet for Sunday the 17th of December 2023.  Advent 3 – Gaudete Sunday

Pew Sheet for Sunday the 17th of December 2023. Advent 3 – Gaudete Sunday. I always rejoice at this time of the year to read and reflect on the writings of the prophet Isaiah

Dec 17, 2023

November 19th 2023 Kingdom Season 3, Second Sunday before Advent

The Weekly Pew Sheet for November 19th 2023 Kingdom Season 3, Second Sunday before Advent

Nov 19, 2023

Sunday, November  26th 2023  The Feast of Christ the King  Kingdom Season 4

The pew sheet for Sunday, November 26th 2023 The Feast of Christ the King, Kingdom Season 4 One of the most important and meaningful symbols in the early church was the image of ‘Christ Pantocrator

Nov 26, 2023

Advent Sunday December 3rd 2023 Advent 1

Advent Sunday December 3rd 2023. Advent 1.

Dec 03, 2023