Parish of St Laurence Church Winslow PREPARATION OF NEW ELECTORAL ROLL
Notice is hereby given under the Church Representation Rules 2022, that a new Church Electoral Roll is being prepared...
Pew Sheet, Sunday, 9th March 2025, The First Sunday of Lent.
In our Gospel reading today, Jesus repeatedly uses Old Testament texts to rebut Satan when he tries to make him bow down and worship him during Jesus’ forty days of testing in the Judaean wilderness
Pew Sheet, Sunday, 2nd March 2025, Sunday next before Lent
I would like to start off today by thanking Alan and Daphne for stepping into the breach for me last Sunday while my mother was so ill in hospital.
Pew Sheet, Sunday, 16th February 2025, 3rd Sunday before Lent
Luke’s version of our Gospel passage occurs after Jesus has spent the night praying alone on a mountain...
Repair Cafe - 15th February 15 2025
Pew Sheet, Sunday, 9th February 2025
Last week we looked at the events which occurred in the Jerusalem temple when Mary and Joseph presented Jesus as the ‘first fruits’ of their marital union,
Pew Sheet, Sunday, 2nd February, 2025 Candlemass The Presentation of Christ in the Temple
The story of Jesus’ presentation in Jerusalem is one of the few accounts we have of Jesus’ childhood after his birth.
Pew Sheet, Sunday, 26th January 2025, Third Sunday of Epiphany
Today is a relatively sad day for our churches as we say goodbye to Didier, who is leaving us to explore what God might have in store for him in other types of ministry
Pew Sheet, Sunday, 19th January 2025, Epiphany 2/Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
Saturday was the first day in this year’s Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, and for the rest of this week, we are all encouraged to pray for the unity of Christ’s body
Pew Sheet, Sunday, 12th January 2025, The Baptism of Christ (Epiphany 1)
In today’s lectionary readings, we are reminded of the Baptism of Christ, which marks the beginning of Jesus’ public ministry
Pew Sheet, Sunday, 5th January 2025, The Feast of the Epiphany
Today we celebrate the Feast of the Epiphany which falls tomorrow, but it is also the first Sunday that we have met since the New Year...
Pew Sheet, Sunday, 22nd December 2024, The Fourth Sunday of Advent
Today we celebrate the Fourth Sunday in Advent on the cusp of our Christmas Eve and Christmas Day celebrations;
Pew Sheet, Sunday, 8th December 2024, The Second Sunday of Advent
You know it is getting close to Christmas when the lectionary starts to include Old Testament texts which have found their way into common consciousness...
Pew Sheet, Sunday, 1st December 2024, Advent 1: Advent Sunday
If like me, you had been searching for a copyright-free image of an advent wreath this week, you would have found it hard to find one...
Pew Sheet, Sunday, November 24th 2024,Kingdom Season 4, “Christ the King” Sunday next before Advent.
As a child, I attended a Roman Catholic Primary School where, on a Thursday morning, the local priest would say mass for both pupils and those parents who were able to stay...
Pew Sheet, Sunday, November 17th 2024, Kingdom Season 3, Safeguarding Sunday.
Many of you will have been following the distressing news which broke the week before last in respect of the findings of the Independent Inquiry...
November 10th 2024 Remembrance Sunday Kingdom Season 2
Apart from being ‘Armistice Day’, when I will be observing the traditional two minute silence and saying a few words about remembrance...
Pew Sheet, Sunday, October 27th 2024. Last Sunday after Trinity, Proper 25
Our Old Testament reading is attributed to Jeremiah, whose book (in spite of the often negative or pessimistic associations made with his name...
Pew Sheet, Sunday, November 3rd 2024. All Saints Day / Kingdom Season 1
A few weeks ago, I went down to down to Canterbury to give a talk in one of the local churches on the Friday evening.
Pew Sheet, Sunday, September 29th, 2024. Feast of St Michael and All Angels
On the 20th of May 1916, Ernest Shackleton and two others stumbled half-dead into the small Norwegian whaling station of Stromness...
Pew Sheet, Sunday, October 6th 2024. Nineteenth Sunday after Trinity and ‘Generous Giving Sunday’
In our Exodus reading today, we see how giving was generated in the ancient Israelites by a stirring of the heart which was inspired by the Holy Spirit...
Pew Sheet, Sunday, September 22nd, 2024. Harvest Thanksgiving Service
Today, we celebrate our Harvest Thanksgiving Service, which is the time when we give special thought to all those in need...
Pew Sheet, Sunday, September 15th 2024. Sixteenth Sunday after Trinity / Creationtide 3
James, our Lord’s brother and a leader of the early church in Jerusalem has much to say about the tongue in his epistle reading this week...
Pew Sheet Sunday, September 8th 2024, Fifteenth Sunday after Trinity, Creationtide 2
In last week’s Gospel reading we saw Jesus criticising the Pharisees, Scribes and Sadducees ...
Pew Sheet, Sunday, September 1st 2024. Fourteenth Sunday after Trinity / Creationtide 1
Today sees the start of the liturgical season of Creationtide which runs from the 1st of September to the 4th of October each year.
Pew Sheet, Sunday, August 18th 2024. Twelfth Sunday after Trinity / Proper 15
In the last two weeks, we have been considering how Jesus repeatedly told the crowd that he was the ‘bread of life’ ...
Pew Sheet, Sunday, August 11th 2024. Eleventh Sunday after Trinity / Proper 14
It is with great sadness that we announce
Pew Sheet, Sunday, July the 28th 2024. Ninth Sunday after Trinity / Proper 12
Many of the events we have been reading about in our Gospel passages for several weeks now took place either in, on, or around the Sea of Galilee
Sunday, August the 4th, 2024. The 10th Sunday after Trinity
How many times are we inclined to complain during the course of a single day?
Pew Sheet, Sunday, July the 14th 2024. Seventh Sunday after Trinity / Proper 10
It is a great privilege to have Archdeacon Guy Elsmore preaching and presiding at our 09.30 service in Winslow today.
Pew Sheet, Sunday, July the 7th 2024. Sixth Sunday after Trinity / Proper 9
Now that the polls have closed and the British people have made their minds up
Pew Sheet, Sunday, June the 30th 2024. Fifth Sunday after Trinity / Proper 8
There is something wonderfully refreshing about our Gospel reading this week
Pew Sheet, Sunday, June the 23rd 2024. Fourth Sunday after Trinity / Proper 7
One of my all-time favourite hymns is that written by a former resident of Baltimore, Priscilla Jane Owens
Pew Sheet 16th June 2024
Someone asked me last week how we can possibly know about the events recorded in the Gospels which tell us what happened when only Jesus was present, or when his disciples though present...
Pew Sheet, Sunday, June the 9th 2024.
People often ask me why the Church of England does not venerate the Virgin Mary to the same extent as other churches do, and I have even been asked if Anglicans really ‘believe’ in her
Pew Sheet 2nd June 2024
In our reading from Deuteronomy, we see the origins of the ‘Sabbath’ which was instituted so that the people, their servants, their livestock...
Festival Week!
Come and join in with St. Laurence Festival week to celebrate Church and community together.
The Repair Cafe
Join the Winslow Benefice Repair Cafés in their mission to reduce waste and promote sustainability!
Pew Sheet, April 21st 2024. The 4th Sunday of Easter
The 23rd Psalm is probably the most popular and most-used Psalm in the Christian Psalter today.
Pew Sheet for Sunday the 14th of April 2024. The Third Sunday of Easter
Pew Sheet for Sunday the 14th of April. The Third Sunday of Easter
Pew Sheet for Sunday the 17th of December 2023. Advent 3 – Gaudete Sunday
Pew Sheet for Sunday the 17th of December 2023. Advent 3 – Gaudete Sunday. I always rejoice at this time of the year to read and reflect on the writings of the prophet Isaiah
Christingle at St Laurence Church 17th December - 5pm
Join us for St Laurence Church Christingle Service on Sunday 17th December at 5pm.
November 19th 2023 Kingdom Season 3, Second Sunday before Advent
The Weekly Pew Sheet for November 19th 2023 Kingdom Season 3, Second Sunday before Advent
Sunday, November 26th 2023 The Feast of Christ the King Kingdom Season 4
The pew sheet for Sunday, November 26th 2023 The Feast of Christ the King, Kingdom Season 4 One of the most important and meaningful symbols in the early church was the image of ‘Christ Pantocrator
Harvest Festivals in the Winslow Benefice
Come and join us to celebrate harvest in the Benefice
News for September
Season of Creationtide As Christians we are called to care for God's creation.
Weekly News for Winslow Benefice - 9th July 2023
Here are some important dates of events taking place in the Benefice over July and early August.
AMAZING to see such an immense delivery to the St Laurence Food Cupboard yesterday.
April's Book Group
Book Group meets on Monday, 24 April, at 6.45pm to chat about Meeting God in Mark by Rowan Williams.
Spotlight on... The Serving Team!
At St Laurence we have a dedicated Serving Team of eight, both men and women. With some variation of members, the current team dates back 32 years.
Spotlight on... the Winslow Parish News!
Everything you wanted to know about the Winslow Parish News, the local magazine bringing Church and community together.
Welcome, Revd Stephen!
We had a lovely service on Tuesday 21 Feb to mark the licensing of our new rector.
Licensing of the Revd Stephen
Join us to welcome our new rector, the Revd Dr Stephen O'Connor in his licensing service at St Laurence Church, Winslow.
Spotlight on... The Flower Group
The Flower Group is a team of volunteers, comprising church members and other helpers.
Spotlight on... The St Laurence Bells
Everything you ever wondered about the church bells of St Laurence.
Spotlight on... Music in St Laurence
All things musical at St Laurence Church. Could you join us as a junior chorister?
Readings for 15 Jan
Readings for the week ahead, starting with the Second Sunday of Epiphany.
Meet the new rector...
We are very pleased to announce the appointment of the Reverend Doctor Stephen O’Connor as incumbent of the Winslow Benefice.
Just A Minute...
I expect many of you have given up on New Year’s Resolutions – but maybe I can tempt you to a daily one!
Spread the love
Although Advent is seen as a season of repentance, just like Lent, it would be a hard heart that doesn’t start to get excited at the anticipation of the arrival of Christmas and all that entails.
Joyful expectation
We are called in Advent to wait in JOYFUL expectation for what comes next.
Advent Sunday
If it seems that you are in the middle of it at the moment, talk to someone, talk to God, none of us are alone.
Celebrate with St James'
11am Sunday 20 November - Celebrate the new roof at St James' Church!
Christ the King
This week is the last week in the church’s year and as a result we celebrate Christ the King.
Book Group
Our next Book Group meeting will be on 21 November at 6.45pm to chat about Monsignor Quixote by Graham Greene.
Black History Month
To celebrate the last week of Black History Month, St Laurence is hosting a portrait and video exhibition - as seen on ITV News!
National Churches Trust
The National Churches Trust is delighted to support St Laurence Church, Winslow, with a grant towards the roof repairs.
Bible Sunday
This week we celebrate Bible Sunday, a day in which the church takes time to celebrate God’s word.
North Aisle Roof Appeal
As you will have seen, work is continuing apace on the North Aisle Roof and there is good news.
Christmas Decoration Workshop
With Carolyn Schulz, writer of over 10 craft books and TV presenter.
Celebrating St Luke
This week we are celebrating St. Luke, the man who wrote the Gospel of Luke as well as the Acts of the Apostles.
Prisons Week
This Sunday marks the beginning of Prisons Week, an annual week of prayer working to see an end to the human suffering caused by crime and imprisonment – for all those affected.
Harvest Festival and Bring & Share
You are invited to the St Laurence Harvest Festival and Bring & Share lunch!
Not all heroes wear capes
On Sunday we are celebrating Michaelmas, the Feast of Michael and All Angels. It is a major day in the church
Harvest Festival
Join a harvest festival at St Mary's Addington at 5pm this Sunday 25 September - all are welcome!
Jewel in the Crown
Having watched, like so many others, the funeral of the Queen on Monday, I came away with a mixture of emotions.
Shadows of death
One of the saddest parts of my role, as well as being the greatest privilege, is getting to sit with the family of someone who has recently died.
The Lost Sheep
When we heard of the death of the Queen, like so many, Sue and I felt such a strong sense of loss.
Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II
It is with a deep and profound sense of sadness that we, as a church, join in the praises and condolences at the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.
St Laurence Food Cupboard
The St Laurence Food Cupboard has been overwhelmed by the generous donations from the residents of Winslow and would like to thank everyone for all their support.
God the Father
We have chosen to God call Father. We do so to say something about the nature of the relationship he has with us.
Roof Appeal: Huge thanks & big plea
Thank you all for the amazing response we have had to the Roof Appeal.
Coffee morning
St Laurence Room, Saturday 6 August 10am-12pm - Please do come along and support.
The neediest people
In the Book of Deuteronomy (15:4) it says that “there should be no poor among you”. Jesus says, “the poor you will have always with you” (Mark 14:7).
In my Confirmation classes about prayer I used to teach the students about A.C.T.S. with which I expect a lot of you are familiar. It stands for Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving and Supplication.
St James
This week the church celebrates James the Apostle, patron saint of Spain, Guatemala, Nicaragua, fishermen and, most importantly, Great Horwood’s church.
Food Cupboard needs you!
The Food Cupboard needs the following items this week - thank you!
Bishop of Oxford awards school leavers and visits Food Cupboard
On a visit to the Claydon Deanery on Wednesday 13 July, the Rt Revd Dr Steven Croft, Bishop of Oxford, visited the Winslow Benefice.
Quality time
Last week I went to answer questions from Year 5 in Winslow School about prayer.
Proclaiming Thomas
This Sunday is the Feast of St. Thomas - “Doubting Thomas”. He is an apostle that we don’t know much about, but he does tell us a lot about ourselves.
He must increase but I must decrease
Last Friday the Church celebrated the Birth of John the Baptist.
Julian Group
Our next Julian Meeting on 4 July will be an in-person gathering at Keach's Chapel.
Saying ‘yes’ is a vital part of our relationship with God, because it means something.
The good news of Pentecost is something that carries on throughout the year because the Spirit pouring out into our hearts is what allows us to flourish.
Jubilee & Festival week
This week we are celebrating a Jubilee - a Jubilee like no other.
In the Days of Rain
Join Revd Didier and the Winslow Benefice Book Group on Monday 27 June to discuss Rebecca Stott's In the Days of Rain: A Daughter, A Father, A Cult.
God Save Our Gracious Queens
The Winslow Players return! Spend a Saturday evening in style as you witness a brief history of Queens of England in the Winslow Players' first post-Covid production.
Jubilee Coffee Morning
Join us in St Laurence Church for coffee and cake, with a raffle, tombola and more!
Ascension Day
How do you get on with authority? Revd Mark shares some reflections for Ascension Day.
Can I take you at your word?
Hypocrisy – not practising what you preach – was an accusation Jesus levelled at some religious leaders in his time. Are we guilty of saying one thing and doing another?
St Laurence Festival 4-12 June
Join us from 4-12 June as the St Laurence Festival returns. All are welcome!
North Aisle Roof Appeal
We urgently need to raise in the region of £20,000 to repair the North Aisle Roof, where damage to the lead on the roof has resulted in leaking which is only going to get worse.
Small gestures empower change
The Winslow Repair Shop was featured on the Diocese of Oxford website this week. Read the full story and see a snippet below.
Take a risk
As we look around us, what works in our lives and the people around us testify to the love of Jesus?
Thank you
None of our Holy Week activities were possible without a huge effort from a great array of people and we do not say thank you enough.
Holy Week
Every day this week, we will be journeying with Jesus with a rich variety of services. Why not join us?
We have a little Fig Tree – nothing does it bear!
We have a little Fig Tree – nothing does it bear! Jesus uses the example of a Fig Tree to illustrate a couple of hard sayings.
We could do with a saviour
The question that Batman asks himself is not really very different to that which God asks us: are we willing to bring hope and light into our corner of the world?
What would Jesus do?
Given the appalling mess our world is in, and in particular the horrific situation in Ukraine, what would Jesus do? And what might Jesus want us to do?
Supporting Ukraine
The Winslow Lions are collecting for Ukraine. Here's how you can help.
Festival of Voices
Spring Festival of Voices, 7.30pm Sat 23 April at St Laurence Church, featuring the Morriston Orpheus Choir .
Why did God make foxes?
I was asked this week by a child whose family owns some chickens, “Why did God make foxes?”
Journeying Together in our Brokenness
There are still some tickets remaining for this interactive workshop, more relevant than ever in light of recent events.
Praying for peace
As I write this, the news from the Ukraine is looking very bleak. It can sometimes seem as though we learn nothing from our past mistakes.
St Laurence Shop
The St Laurence Shop supports the church, local charities and the Winslow community. Could you help?
Creative Communion
Join us for our first Creative Communion service, suitable for all ages.