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We are launching an urgent appeal for the repair of the north aisle roof of St Laurence Church in the town centre

The lead roof over the north aisle of St Laurence church in the town centre is in need of urgent repair, and we need to raise £20,000 by November 2022 to fix this to prevent rain getting in and causing more damage to the building.


This beautiful building, the physical and spiritual centre of Winslow, needs your help

What you can do to help

One-off donation

Donate by cash, cheque or bank transfer via our GiveALittle page.

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JustGiving page

Pledge and give through our JustGiving page.

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We would really appreciate your support

From the desk of the churchwardens:

Dear Friend

As I hope you know we have launched an appeal for money to repair the St Laurence Church north aisle roof, as the lead there has become deformed over the years and is now leaking water into the roof timbers.

This damage will only get worse and more expensive to fix.

The cost to replace the roof is in the region of £45,000. 

The good news is that we have already raised £23,000 from a range of grants. This does mean we still need to raise around £20,000.  

To add some urgency, we need to raise it by November 2022 or else some of the grants will expire. This means we will have to start the process again.

The process is long, drawn out, was prolonged because of COVID and any delay will inevitably add to the damage of the roof. 

We do know that this request couldn't come at a more difficult time - especially to be asking you to donate to our roof fund. 

It is important that we raise this moeny to ensure that we can contiune to maintain this beautiful and historic building which gives so much to our congregation and wider community. 

If the roof does not get repaired , think of Winslow without:

  • A church to get married in.

  • A church to baptise your children in.

  • A spiritual place to say your final goodbyes to departed loved ones.

  • A church to celebrate Easter and Christmas. 

If you already give to a charity or a cause, would you consider diverting your giving to help your local church, literally, keep its roof. 

We would be very grateful for any amount you feel you can contribute, which you can do by the following methods.

Whatever you can do, however much, or whether you can just spread the word, we are thankful for your ongoing support. 

Thank you in advance.

Chris Ryalls & George Hooper


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